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About me

Securing your home loan on your own can be daunting especially when negotiating directly with your bank on your own. Feel confident by talking to an experienced Loan mortgage broker where most of the legwork is done for you.

3370 Sardis Sta Watauga, TX 76148

ID: 123456

[reviewbox num_rate=”9 Reviews” iclass=”mt-3″ link=”url:%23review|title:Read%20More%20Reviews||”]

My Story

My experience is in all areas of residential lending, with a particular focus on construction lending and investment property funding. Refinancing are some other areas of expertise.

My aim as a broker is to go ‘above and beyond’ for all of my clients. I look to build clients for life, not for a single transaction! This means not only finding a loan product that meets your needs now but also structuring your loan correctly from the outset.

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Speciality In

  • Pre-Approvals
  • First Home Buyers
  • Refinancing for a better deal
  • Property Investment
  • Commercial Loans
  • Land Purchase
  • Debt Consolidation

Ratings Reviews

[reviewbox style=”style2″ num_rate=”(5 of 5)” rate_text=”Recommended!” date=”December 28, 2020″ title=”Great Rates & Service” stitle=”It’s that easy! I search hundreds of home loans, features and loan structures to secure the most competitive home loan for my clients financial situation.” author=”- Misty C. Somnai” info=”( First Time Home Buyer )”][reviewbox style=”style2″ num_rate=”(5 of 5)” rate_text=”Recommended!” date=”December 28, 2020″ title=”Simply amazing” stitle=”It’s that easy! I search hundreds of home loans, features and loan structures to secure the most competitive home loan for my clients financial situation.” author=”- Robert P. Thorp” info=”( First Time Home Buyer )”][reviewbox style=”style2″ num_rate=”(5 of 5)” rate_text=”Recommended!” date=”December 28, 2020″ title=”Great Job” stitle=”It’s that easy! I search hundreds of home loans, features and loan structures to secure the most competitive home loan for my clients financial situation.” author=”- Nishant R. Lama” info=”( First Time Home Buyer )”]